
 Follow the links to my posts about the art and craft, and sometimes pain, of writing, as well as the realities of writing while being a lot of other things besides an author.

Note: Starting in 2019, I have posted a "Writer's Update" at least every other Wednesday most months. I have only linked to those here when they offer something besides info on what I'm doing--some commentary on coping or writing or something.

Being a writer:

Balancing Acts
Classroom Visit
First Reading and Signing
Books About Writing
Creativity and Sleep Deprivation
Summertime and the Writing is Tricky
Cheap Thrills, Author Style
Mission Statement
Pep Talk for a Lazy Writer 
Cue the Trumpet Fanfare 
Staying Sane as a Writer  (debated about this one being about being a writer, or about the art and craft of writing.  It's both).
Pen vs. Keyboard
More about Editing Surviving the Nth round of revisions.
International Please Don't Pirate My Book Day
What Gets in the Way
Why Blog?
What is "writing"?  (what counts when you wonder if you're working)
"Wreading like a Writer"
Writer's Update 
NaNo NaNo (not about Mork and Mindy)
Reflections on NaNoWriMo progress--ending up with a fleshy outline
Be Amazing (more about life than writing)
Being an Author-Publisher looks a lot like work!
2014 Round-up 
Writer's Update March 2015
Camp NaNo, April 2016
2016 NanoWriMo Update #1 
2016 NaNoWriMo Update #2 
2016 NaNoWriMo Update #3
Random Musings on Historical Fiction
Dec. 2018 update
2018 Year-end review
Some rambling thoughts on language and writing
2019 NaNo Update #1 
2019 NaNo Update #2 (the outline is wavering...)

Writing through my grief:

The art and craft of writing:

Books About Writing
Becoming a Writer
Capturing Ideas (wherever they come)
Get on Your Backside and Write!
Drowning in Words (the necessary pain of revision)
Blurbs and Comparisons
Staying Sane as a Writer
More about Editing Surviving the Nth round of revisions.
Words to Watch For
Bird By Bird--Progressive Book Club Discussion of Anne Lamott's writing book
Voice--Keeping it Straight 
What Makes Good Prose?
Save the Cat--Progressive Book Club Discussion #2
Beta readers and editors 
Publishing a Picture Book with CreateSpace.com 
Outlining: When and How
Plotting, Outlining, and Editing 
More on Outlining
Editing--A to Z brief post 
Spilling Ink--review/discussion of a great writing book for kids 
It's NaNo Time!--survival tips
Review: Self-Editing for Fiction Writers
Writing Race
What I Didn't Finish, and Why
Rambling thoughts on (not) writing 
When you can't tell if it's any good...
Housekeeping: the little stuff around a book release
Making a large-type edition
Writing mysteries: Minor characters
Thoughts on marketing
Planning the next mystery
More on plotting and planning 
Doing NaNo!
NaNo Update
Developing a New Story
Writing Settings That Feel Like Characters, by J Lenni Dorner (book review)
Developing a New Story World
Editing: Radical steps to deal with a real mess

Insecure Writers' Support Group Posts
First IWSG post
When Planning Fails
2015 Writing Round-Up
Book-Launch Jitters
Writing Race
Best Thing Anyone Ever Said about my Writing
On Not Writing
Making Time to Write
Fretting about Book Releases
Whew! (Survived NaNo) 
2016 Year-End Round-Up 
Editing Hell
Rewriting Old Stories
A to Z and Marketing 
On Not Quitting
Lessons Learned
Writing and Editing Pet Peeves
Writing Outside the Comfort Zone
Putting Yourself in your Writing
Not Doing NaNo
2017 Year-End Roundup
Setting a Writing Schedule
Updates and writing genre fiction
When you reach a goal--treading water
When writing is going nowhere
Is writing seasonal? (or, why I'm not writing)
Book titles and character names
Long-term goals
Writing pitfalls
On self-publishing
Major life events and writing
Writing and the creative life
Writing spaces
Awkward questions--don't ask me this
Reading brain candy
I wrote something!
The hardest scene to write
Not writing
Favorite Genre
Writing yourself into your characters
Writer's Surprises
Where we like to write
A writer needs to read
Five days into NaNo...


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