Photo Friday: How Grand is the Canyon, Part 2

What, is it Thursday again already? Time to share the thrilling tale of the search for Chevaya Falls, which many have sought and few have found. In our last, we had arrived at Clear Creek campsites for our second & third nights in the Canyon. Our layover was to be devoted to a search up the creek for Chevaya Falls, which is understood to be quite spectacular when it is running. Regardless of the status of the falls, which we considered should be running at that time of year, the canyon was pretty, intriguing, and worth exploring. Dawn start Lighting up the Canyon One of the most beautiful things anywhere--cottonwood trees in a red canyon. There was a trail, of sorts, sometimes... We all got a bit more familiar than we really wanted to with the pointy bits of yucca and agave. I still love the way they look. Agave, aka century plant, with the flower stalk just starting to shoot up. Last year's flower stalk Yucca has equally pointy leaves, but a different sort of flower head. Yucc...