
Showing posts with the label #AtoZChallenge

#AtoZChallenge E is for Eva Hudson

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoples’ books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction.  E is for Eva Husdson     In a Nutshell: Eva Hudson is a new wave 1930s teen, who thinks school is a breeze and has a great head on her shoulders. From an early age, she has known she didn’t want to be 'normal'. She wants a life full of challenge and adventure that will break her from the stereotype of the times. Biggest Secret: While her mind is full of great dreams, her biggest secret is that she's still figuring out the detail. Whatever she ends up doing, it will be something that makes a difference. I haven't reviewed these books myself, but I will direct you to this review by

#AtoZChallenge D is for Dolores

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews and the usual Friday Flash Fiction. D is for Dolores In a nutshell: Spunky and level-headed member of the Viridian System team, keen to better her situation. Biggest secret: Per the auth or : Her big secret is that she appears to be hankering after a baby even though she thinks she’s infertile.  Well, hankering after Pete’s baby, to be specific. ( Ms. Pett's comment o n this rev elation: "Is that a big secret?  It surprised me.") Favourite line: Lars, Pete, Maggie and Dolores are travelling in alien space and have encountered a spacecraft apparently crewed entirely by females.  "Why don't you guys make tea or something?” Dolores suggests, a

#AtoZChallenge C is for Crazy Jake Jenkins

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoples’ books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction. C is for Crazy Jake Jenkins In a nutshell: Crazy Jake and his buddy Wild Harry Colson are  trouble personified. They get a bit straightened out when the Ninja Librarian comes to town, but even he can't fix their propensity for getting into trouble. Biggest secret: After years of mocking students and harassing teachers and librarians, Jake has a yen to learn to read. Favorite saying: "Oops." (He doesn't actually say this in the books, but he's that sort. You can bet he's spent his life saying it). The series is The Ninja Librarian, with three books, suitable for ages 8 or 9 an

#AtoZChallenge #BisFor Big Al

F Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoples' books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction.   B is for Big Al Well, of course it is. The heroine of my first book! In a nutshell: Big Al is a tomboy who escaped from misery after her Pa died, and ended up as school teacher in Skunk Corners. She's training under the Ninja Librarian, and between the two of them they keep the town in line. Biggest Secret: Al is scared stiff of Mort Black. Favorite Quote: "I tell you, pockets are the number one reason I dress like a fellow." (Actually, this is just one of many things Al has said over the years that make me smile).   The series is The Ninja Librarian, with three books, suit

#AtoZChallenge A is for Alcion

Before I dive into my post for the letter "A" I thought I should say what I'm up to this month. In fact, I'll probably pop this onto the top of my post each day! I've struggled some with A to Z in the years I've participated. I don't seem to do very well with prepping in advance, and writing full-length blog posts each day is tough. Last year, I just read and didn't post, which was better than nothing, but I didn't get the participation I wanted on my blog. So I'm back in the game, but keeping it very simple. Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. On Fridays I'll try to throw in the usual flash fiction, using a main character with the right letter (I was excited to see that X is on a Friday, so look out for Xavier Xan