Writer's Wednesday: Life Gets in the Way

Well, I've been blasting along on the new novel, but life got in the way, first with Thanksgiving and then with a fast trip to California and back! I did a little work every day, but do tend to drop everything when I have the chance to spend time with my kids, and long driving days don't leave me a lot of time for writing. I'm terribly prone to motion sickness, so couldn't even work while my daughter was driving.

I'd hoped by this point to be sliding into the final quarter of the book, but thanks to life, I'm still wallowing in the weeds in the middle. One thing about driving, you do have time to think, and I came up with a couple of obstacles to throw in Seffi's way, but we'll have to see what comes of it all. I'm still trying to get straight in my head just how we'll reach the solution at the end, but I'm making progress again.

 Meanwhile, my books are on sale starting tomorrow through the end of the year. First in series are free, most are half off, so it's a great time to catch up with the Pismawallops PTA mysteries or the adventures of Seffi Wardwell--or enjoy the goofy fun of my children's books.

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated. 

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