Writer's Update: Slogging through Editorial Mud

It has been a while since I had much of a writer update. If you notice I've been a bit thin on the book reviews as well, the two are related. There's been a lot of travel since the first of the year, even for me! The inevitable side-effect is less writing, and a bit of a struggle to get back in the groove now that I'm home for a bit.

Here's the current status:

Washed Up With the Tide (Seffi Wardwell #2): I'm in the early stages of what I hope will be the final edit (to be followed by polishing and proof-reading). I've been dealing with some plot issues but think I might have a grip on it now. I also met last week with my cover artist and hope to have a cover soon, after which I'll set a publication date and open the book for pre-orders.

Short stories:
After a long hiatus when I wasn't getting around to finding new places to submit (and the rejections of the last items out), I now have two stories out on submission. Working on the novel makes it hard for me to work on any of the shorts that are sorta almost getting ready to go out, but I have a couple more that need to go back out if I can find the right markets.

In-person events:
I keep saying I want to do these, and haven't done anything about finding opportunities. 

So how is the editing? As my post title suggests, it's been a bit of a slog. Some of that is the travel and distractions. A bunch of that is due to needing to solve some bigger problems. I think the sun has come out and the mud is starting to dry--we shall see!

Obligatory bonus photo.

Pretty sure I could make some nice metaphor about the editorial process clearing the clouds so we can see the beautiful mountain. It certainly sounds more appealing than drying up the mud!


©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated. 

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  1. It's okay that you haven't written much. You were busy doing other things that are important to you. You'll get back in the groove. I haven't been writing much either because I've been busy with a play I'm producing.

    1. I'm not exactly beating myself up, but I always feel as though after this long I should be better at the transitions!

  2. You’re doing well. Get out hiking while you can. I reckon there’ll be plenty of time stuck in doors in the next few years.

    1. I agree. I know which is my priority right now--hike and travel like hell before it gets too hard!


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