IWSG: Happy Anniversary!

It has been 12 years since Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh launched the Insecure Writers' Support Group. He obviously hit a nerve and filled a need, because the group has been going strong ever since, with monthly blog-hop postings and tons of encouragement, support, and often very concrete help being passed around the group. While the membership does fluctuate, a look at the top half of the sign-up list will show you people who have been active more or less from the start. Take a look at their stories!

In personal news:  A Coastal Corpse has released at last! The first book in my new Seffi Wardwell mysteries is now available for sale. I am currently deciding if I'm going to jump right into editing the (already drafted) second book in the series, or draft the third book first.

Series Blurb:
Retired science teacher Seffi Wardwell is making herself a new home on the Maine coast. She has a flower garden to keep up to the stiff local standards and a tough job in breaking down the locals’ suspicion of outsiders and making friends. She also has a distressing tendency to find herself in the middle of murder investigations. 

Book Blurb:
Retired science teacher Seffi Wardwell has moved to coastal Maine looking for peace, fresh air, and an accepting community. So far, she’s enjoying the sea air.

When a corpse turns up in Seffi’s flower garden, she can’t help asking questions about the victim and his death. Police officer Miah Cox doesn’t want her assistance, but Seffi’s curiosity is what made her a scientist.

The more she learns about the dead man’s background, the more she wants to know. Estranged from his wealthy family, and a village pariah for something that happened years before, the dead man had plenty of enemies. At least one wanted to make him disappear forever, and they’re all eager to see this case wrapped up and forget about him.

The way Seffi sees it, somebody has to care about him, and as a fellow outsider, she’s it. But all of her poking around is stirring up trouble in the village. It’s up to Seffi and Miah to figure out whodunit before they strike again, and before the locals decide the handiest scapegoat is Seffi herself.

Here's the purchase info: 

Smashwords  https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1431785

Amazon Kindle  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CGN9Z7ZD

Amazon Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH23RZ5H

Amazon Large Type: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH22JJX3

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/2940166101167

iTunes (Apple Store): https://books.apple.com/us/book/x/id6463561594

Kobo: https://store.kobobooks.com/en-us/Search?Query=9798215719367




And now...


 Why? The IWSG is here to share and encourage, to offer a place for authors to admit their insecurities and offer help and support to each other.

How? The official IWSG posting day is the first Wednesday of every month. Hop around the list and see who has worries, triumphs, and news to share.

Our motto: 
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

The awesome co-hosts for the September 6 posting of the IWSG are Sonia Dogra, J Lenni Dorner, Pat Garcia, Sarah - The Faux Fountain Pen, and Meka James! 
This month's optional but irresistible question is: When did you discover the group, how did you connect, and how has it helped you?
Hoo, boy. A little research reveals my first IWSG post was in November 2015, so I was a few years late to the party. Since that time I have never fallen off the wagon, though there have been a few when I've posted that I'm on the road or the trail (as in fact I am right how) so couldn't hold up my end of the bargain with my post. I connected with the group through the web site (the only option then), probably following a friend into the group (Jemima Pett, I'm looking at you!).

Reading that post from 2015 makes me laugh. I was beating myself up for having "only" managed to mostly get through edits on one book and a draft of another, plus practically weekly flash fiction posts. That looks like a pretty good rate of work to me now. Some of my slowness now has to do with travel, and some is just... work is hard. A new series, travel, big life changes* . . . 

What I have gotten from the IWSG has included a cheering sections for my small accomplishments in a way that helps me understand they aren't always so small. I've had two stories published in the IWSG anthologies, and connected with other writers who have become friends, beta readers, and general support. I've discovered people whose books I like to read and whose blog posts inspire me. I'm sure there's more, if I think about it a while. I would like to believe that the IWSG has helped me to become a more professional writer, even as I have chosen to stick with low-budget self-publishing, rather than "going pro," if that's what we want to call trad publishing.

Trailside writing

*In the last 5 years I have retired, moved from our home of 20 years remaining "homeless" for a year), traveled widely, lost my husband, moved again, lost my father-in-law, traveled more, seen my second child get employed and engaged, and watched my eldest begin to transition from male to female. Just a few things to occupy my brain.

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2023
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. I haven't been in the group since it started. I just know I joined sometime before 2014. Like you, I've gone through many major life changes since 2014, and the IWSG has really been there for me during those times. Congrats on your new book. How exciting!

  2. Anonymous Esther O'Neill, East of the Sun and way down the list. Those major life changes. profound loss, major adjustments and everyday courage.
    Didn't join IWSG till 2019, still just as insecure, but now, that seems OK. Connecting online's the perfect solution for scaredy introverts.

    Live in a dead zone, Google's a problem.

  3. Congrats on the release!
    I've been a member of the group for around a decade, but my place on the list has moved as I tried to find a place to set my blog. Hoping I've figured it out finally.

  4. Congratulations on your newest publication! Woohoo!

  5. It's so great to find friends and support through this group.
    Congrats on the new release!

  6. A cheering section is always helpful, especially in this business of writing and publishing books. Glad you found one here, Rebecca. And huge congratulations on your book. I love the sound of your story!

  7. And we are cheering now - congratulations on the new release!!

  8. Having trouble commenting to say thanks for stopping by, and I’ll get to you as I can! I’m out and about and often without cell service.

  9. Congrats on the new release! I too was a late joiner. I found it about the same time you did but didn't start posting until 2019. After my writing world fell apart, this has been a helpful tool in helping me dip my toe back in and slowly heal and rebuild from burnout. I am so grateful for this awesome community.


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