Flash Fiction Friday: Vengeance is Sweet

Here's a quick 200-word drabble I scribbled out a few weeks ago. I have a lot of pictures to sort and edit to share my recent PCT adventure with you!


Vengeance is Sweet

She shouldn’t have come. Boredom seeped into her bones. She’d heard all the chit-chat, tasted all the canapés before.


The door opened and a man stepped into the room, and thoughts of boredom fled, pursued by disgust. Panic urged flight, anger froze her in place.


He hadn’t aged well. He looked at least a decade older than she was, and it had been a hard decade. Served him right.


He was coming to speak to her. He still had no self-awareness, and a suit that didn’t fit as well as he thought it did.


“Well, Darling, you’re looking good. Mm-hmm.”


Same old would-be playboy, now more hideously inappropriate than ever. She had to get away. She had to say something that would put him in his place forever. Her glance fell from the worn face to travel down the expensive suit.


“You’re barn door’s open.” She pivoted on her Manolo Blahniks and left while he stood rooted, gaping down at his equally gaping fly.


After thirty years she’d finally found her exit line. Something as crushing as what he’d said to her the last time she’d seen him. She delivered it over her shoulder.


“Might as well get that sewn shut.”


©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2023
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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