Photo Friday: bits and pieces

I've been back home for a week. You'd think I'd have the photos ready for at least one little post from the beginning of the trip, right? Wrong. I've spent a lot of time getting my computer cleaned up enough to load in the photos. I've organized the basement rec room, the biggest remaining place where stuff from my move was still just kind of randomly sitting about. I've even worked on the new novel, which may eventually even see the light of day. But the photos? I've just scratched the surface. 

So instead of a proper trip report, here are a few of the shots off my camera that caught my eye in my first quick pass through the Scotland collection.

A good dungeon door would probably help keep me at the computer and on task.

On the John O'Groats trail, if you feel like someone is watching you... it's probably sheep.

I like lichen.

One's home is one's castle... I think I'm glad that's not literally true in my case.

And a couple more places we caught up with Stinklet in the last month:

Atop the Faulhorn

And, at last, we caught him and brought him home!

That's just a little taste to give you something fun to look at for the weekend, and to remind me that I have a blog!

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2022
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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