Wandering writer update

I've been doing a lot of wandering, and not much writing. The usual problems maintain: both the time and energy shortage while traveling and the struggle to do anything while the latest MS is steeping.

In the last couple of weeks I've traveled some 2300 miles in the car (sharing driving with Second Son) and done a number of great hikes. Spent one weekend with friends around the campfire and another with my family/Mom. So I'm not really beating myself up that all I've done as a writer is maintain my travel notes and write a few paragraphs of world-building for the short story I'm working on. But I am getting itchy to work again, before I head off to Nepal (!) and cease to be a writer or a blogger for a while month! So even though I won't be home for another week, I'm trying to get back onto a proper work schedule.

Before that happens, I would really like to finish the story--and the blog transformation! Watch this space, because there should be a shift to my new author web site coming very soon! When that happens, you will have to sign up again to follow the blog and receive emails when I post, so watch for instructions!

Meanwhile, here's what I was doing a last week! 

 ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2021
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.

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