Writer's Update

Time for a quick update before Thanksgiving. 

As I've noted, I'm being a NaNo rebel this year, not trying to draft a novel, but rather to sort and edit 50,000 words of short fiction into collections. And how's that going? Well, I think. I passed the 40k mark (including whatever else I've written this month, and the final edits on Death By Donut) late last week, and have three collections ready for final edits and formatting, with stories for a fourth tagged but not yet edited.

I have also written a guest post for the WEP--watch for that to come out on Wednesday, I think--and tackled some challenging computer issues (which turned out not to be as bad as expected). Editing mode has been good to me, and as readers saw on Friday, even led to writing a whole new bit of flash fiction just for the heck of it.

That being the case, I feel like I do have something to be thankful for this week, in addition to friends and family who are holding me together, largely from afar. 

To my US readers, have a good, and safe, holiday. To those elsewhere... be thankful anyway.

Write on!


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