Photo Friday—a few from Fjiordland

It’s getting late and I don’t have much wi-fi time left, so I’m going to share just a few photos from my phone—sorry that the good ones aren’t off the camera yet (I haven’t had a chance to either use the laptop or figure out how to load them onto this iPad). My apologies also for the messed-up labeling. If I were better at HTML I could maybe sort it out, but I’m not.

We have been having a pretty good time tramping on the South Island of New Zealand (well, except for Eldest Son, who got sick at the start of our first track, and is only just getting fit again). We were rained/sicked out of our Routeburn Track plan, instead staying 3 days in the same hut while he recovered. But we had a successful venture on the Hollyford Track, involving airplane, feet, and jet boat, followed by a lot more feet :)

Saturday was the scenic highlight so far, for my husband and me, as we chose to return to the Routeburn from the east end, hiking to the high point and back in one very long day (it included about 5 hours of driving, from our previous lodgings and back to the new ones in Queenstown). But the weather was atypically perfect, and the rewards amazing.

And I mustn’t forget that we started with some nice dayhikes at Mt. Cook—already feels like a long time ago.
Mt. Cook from the Sealy Tarns

Erland Falls on the Routeburn Track, 174 meters of crashing water. The spray was drenching!

Howden Lake on the Routeburn Track

These last three are from the Routeburn Harris Saddle dayhike (something like 24 kilometers, and yes, my feet hurt). Because of the trouble I’m having with the iPad and Blogger, and I can’t get the captions in as I’d like, but they all show how amazing the country is, and what sharp relief there is in the landscape!


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