#Fi50 Beneath the Surface


It's time for the March Fiction in 50 blog hop! I'm posting up early so that it's ready for you Sunday no matter what time zone you're in.

What is #Fi50? In the words of founder Bruce Gargoyle, "Fiction in 50: think of it as the anti-NaNoWriMo experience!" Pack a beginning, middle and end of story into 50 words or less (bonus points for hitting exactly 50 words).

The rules for participation are simple:

1. Create a piece of fictional writing in 50 words or less, ideally using the prompt as title or theme or inspiration.
That’s it!  But for those who wish to challenge themselves further, here’s an additional rule:

2. Post your piece of flash fiction on your blog or (for those poor blog-less souls) add it as a comment on the Ninja Librarian’s post for everyone to enjoy. 
And for those thrill-seekers who really like to go the extra mile (ie: perfectionists):

3. Add the nifty little picture above to your post (credit for which goes entirely to ideflex over at acrossthebored.com) or create your own Fi50 meme pic….
and 4. Link back to my post so others can jump on the mini-fic bandwagon.

The March prompt is... 
Beneath the surface.

That's it. Pick your 50 words with care and post your link in the comments!  


Here's my offering. I usually use the prompt as a title, but you can use it however you like.

Beneath the Surface

The rain-swollen river ran deep and smooth. Byron looked at the surface and saw only the reflection of the sky.

It was beautiful.

He adjusted his scuba gear, ran through the safety checklist, and entered the water.

The body was caught in a strainer. The world beneath the surface hurt.


©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2018
As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated!


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