
Photo Friday: Trekking Nepal Part V

Chukkhung Ri First, for those who have just discovered this, the previous posts about my trek through the Everest Region in November 2021: Kathmandu Part I: Lukla to Namche Part II: Namche to Khunde Part III: Khunde to Pangboche Part IV: Ama Dablam Basecamp to Dingboche Day 9: To Chukkhung From Dinboche to Chukkhung was a short day, so we were able to do some explorations after arriving (and lunch, of course). Short or not, it was also our highest point to date--the little hotel village of Chukkhung is higher than Ama Dablam base camp! We headed out about 8:30, as usual, up the Imja Khola river valley. We didn't try for really early starts because overnight temperatures were just too cold--with our reasonable days, it made more sense to wait for the sun in most places. Passing through Dingboche in the morning. The amount of ice on the river tells you that even the days are getting cold! Guide Junar arriving at the Chukkhung Resort. "Resort" has a different meaning in the

Writer's Wednesday

What a mess! That pretty well sums up my reaction on reading the MS I created last summer and fall. A few years ago, I'd have given up in despair, or just cleaned up the big inconsistencies and called it good. I will take it as proof that I've grown and improved as a writer that I can't do that.  Instead, I am working towards a more radical approach I read about recently (and my apologies to the source, because I have no idea): I am going to rewrite the novel. COMPLETELY. I'm working now on character backgrounds and connections (thanks to Lori Robbins in her interview last week!) and then a new outline. Then I will start writing. Yes, I expect to use some large chunks of the existing story. But I will cut and paste into an entirely new document, and work from the outline to see what happens. This is a huge experiment for me. The other option was to rewrite so extensively that I worry I would never get all the bits and pieces cleaned up. I want to believe this approach w

Photo Saturday: Trekking Nepal, Part IV

Oh, wow! My first post entirely done on the new blog! First, for those who have just discovered this, the previous posts about my trek through the Everest Region: Kathmandu Part I: Lukla to Namche Part II: Namche to Khunde Part III: Khunde to Pangboche I did the trek with Kamzang Journeys , which did a fantastic job of managing everything, including PCR tests and airport shuttles, as well as setting a sensible schedule for acclimatizing. (Note: I don't get any kick-back from this, I just think they are doing a lot of good things and deserve a shout-out.)  And now, to continue: Part IV: Ama Dablam Base Camp to Dingboche We started a little early on Day 7, because it's a long climb. From the hotel at 12,792' we dropped a hundred feet to cross the Imje Khola, then climbed to Base Camp at 15,040'. For those who are counting, that's "only" about 2350', but the high point is 546' above the summit of Mt. Whitney (the highest point in the Lower 48 US stat

Friday Flash/WEP: Unmasked

I went into this one to fix some typos, and it's posting as new--so enjoy a story that is, sadly, still timely. The WEP team has worked incredibly hard all year, and this month we are all taking a break--Write...Edit...Publish... is purely voluntary, with no sign-ups and no one judging anything. I wasn't sure I'd participate, but seeing some others doing so inspired me. I don't think this is the best of my stories, and I haven't worked it over the way I'd like, but I wanted to share something kind of uplifting.  Masked Rosemarie fingered the black silk and feathers, imagining the effect it would have at the party.   The effect it would have had, if there had been a party. It was meant as the finishing touch for the most amazing dress, something Marie Antionette might have worn, at least in Rosemarie’s imagination. Olive and Carlo’s annual New Year’s Eve bash was such a fixture in their set that she’d ordered the outfit right after last year’s party. Before they

#IWSG + Cozy Review & Author Interview: Murder in Second Position

This is a big post! Lots going on... hang in there.   What is the IWSG?   We are a group of writers who gather on the Internet to offer support and encouragement to each other! And we owe it all to the founder, Ninja Captain Alex Cavanaugh. Thanks, Alex! Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting! Every month, we announce a question that mem

Flash Fiction: One-Eyed Yak

This is a story written for the amusement of my trekking group in Nepal, using some very random prompts they gave me. I'll put the prompts at the end of the story! It was a great way to spend a couple of afternoons, and was meant only to be a bit of goofy entertainment. I'm sharing it here as a supplement to the photo posts on Nepal! One-Eyed Yak High above a wildly scenic lake way up in the Himalayas, a hermit lived in a cave with hand-painted walls. Elbert Pumpernickel was not a happy hermit who had chosen the life of isolation and deprivation from religious or spiritual motives. He was in fact embittered, broke, and on the run. Or he had been on the run, until he came to the end of the trail at the cave above the lake. Now he was stalled, trapped, and more bitter than ever against the cause of his ruin. None of the problems he had were his fault, of course. It was certainly not his fault he was stuck on this mountain, with nothing to do all day but stare down the valley at t

Photo Friday: Nepal Trek Part III: Up the Imje Khola River to Pangboche

If you are just joining the blog, here are the earlier posts that will set the scene: Kathmandu Part I: Lukla to Namche Part II: Namche to Khunde Also, I'm aware that it's New Year's Eve. Have a great time, and a better 2022. Trekking Day 5: We left Khunde and walked down through the neighboring town of Khumjung, stopping at the monastery where a multi-day ceremony was taking place to honor a dead elder of the community. Walking towards Khumjang The monastery where the ceremony was taking place. The Khumjang gompa Kim Bannister of Kamzang Journeys giving the large prayer wheel a spin. There seemed to be no issues with us taking photos, nor with some coming and going. When I saw that our Bhuddist guide, Lhakpa, was taking pictures, I tried to capture some of the feel of the place. Part of the significance of this gompa is that they have what they claim is the only yeti scalp in existence. I'll skip the close-up. Yeti scalp in the display case. Continuing on, we stayed on