Weekend Photos: More from the Grand Canyon

There's been a lot going on at my house lately, but I'm chipping away at editing the photos from the October trip to the Grand Canyon. See last weekend's post for photos of the first couple of days. Today we're looking at another night or two, which (true confessions time!) is as far as I've gotten with the photos. The account left off last weekend as we were settling for the night in our camp at Upper Tapeats Creek. Day 3 Back on the trail at first light, we studied the creek, which we were meant to cross--somewhere--for the better and easier trail, and decided to stick with the west side trail, which does a lot more up and down, not always on the best trails. I'm no fan of wading fast-moving water, even that shallow enough that getting knocked off my feet would mean a dunking, not a threat to life. Getting my pack wet was no part of my plan, however. Petey Possum enjoying the sunrise from a vantage point high above the creek. Too many bits of trail like th...