Weekend Photos: South Serengeti, Part 2

At last, I have finished editing the photos from my Tanzania safari (which accounts for nearly half of the photos from the whole trip), so I can get on with my trip report! So far we have Arusha , Tarangire National Park , and South Serengeti Part 1 . Today, we get some really special wildlife moments as we continue our drive through the Serengeti--out of the Ngorogoro Conservation Area and into Serengeti National Park. Misty dawn. Almost immediately we headed for a mother lion and three cubs, who were hard at work on a wildebeest she'd clearly killed just that morning. Just kittens having fun with their chew toy. The carcass was still steaming. Very young cubs--after a while, they headed for the milk bar. Eventually we left the poor lions in peace (to wander off and take a nap), and headed on. Not too far off we encountered a lone male lion, and then a trio of bat-eared foxes. Definitely one of the cuties, and not something we saw anywhere else. More giraffes! This pair of ...